In this period of lockdown, my favorite activity is reading. I have read about 2 to 3 books, but the book which held my attention is "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff". This book is authored by Richard Carlson, who was an American author. This philosophical book particularly talks about how to live life and how to deal with the countless problems in our life. He has beautifully described about how to remain positive even in the most difficult situation and to think of a solution peacefully. Richard Carlson has included the troubles he went through in his life and how he took out a solution by not reacting angrily but instead staying calm. Up till yet, I have read about 60 out of 100 chapters and "Resist the Urge to Criticize" is the chapter I find engrossing. The author elaborates that when we judge or criticize another person, it says nothing about that person, but us.

This book has transformed my way of thinking and my perspective to see the world. Not to take too much stress, whether it is of school work or something else. Be jovial and live life.